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Showing posts from November, 2017

The Tower Notes

I drew the Tower as my challenge card for this month. I have been doing some research in The Ultimate Guide to the Rider Waite Tarot and from the wonderful pages of Biddy Tarot (accessed here ). Here are my notes on this card: Disaster Upheaval Sudden change Revelation Mars Something shocking happens that upsets the harmony of things Something that throws you for a loop Your foundation is made of inadequate things--false thoughts, false beliefs, false actions. How could I have been so wrong/naive/blind? How do I pick up the pieces from here? Need to question beliefs/attitudes/actions An event that really shakes you as a person Can be subtle or in the subconscious after destruction comes creation Awakening/release Immediate change "Rock bottom" 2 choices: Devil or Star Star--foundation is in yourself Devil--self destruction Crown--uncrowning, falling off your high horse, against delusions of grandeur New perspective on life after Tower--the walls you h

2 of Pentacles Notes

I drew the 2 of Pentacles as my blessing card for the month of November. Currently I'm following the Biddy Tarot Planner from 2017. I got it last year but this is the first month I am actually trying it! I know, took me this long to figure it out. I already downloaded and printed the 2018 planner so I'm looking forward to following it for the year. That is certainly my intention with this planner, to follow it during the year of 2018. So I was a little confused by pulling the 2 of Pentacles as my blessing card. To me, it seemed more of a challenge card. I felt that it was more of a "you need to be balancing your life" not much of a "your life is balanced". Perhaps that's because I feel my life is chaotic! Although things do seem to be falling into place right now. I got a raise and my boyfriend's been doing very well so we are finally able to get back on track financially. Here are some bullet points of the card. I am using "The Ultimate

Tarot Reading

1. Reversed 2 of Swords 2. Reversed 2 of Wands 3. Reversed Moon 1. indecision confusion information overload 2. fear of unknown lack of planning 3. release of fear unhappiness confusion You are too blind, there's a smoke blocking your ability to think clearly. Possibly from being overwhelmed. You also find solace in the smoke you reside in. It might be comforting but it is also time to clear your mind and make difficult decisions. You have to clear the smoke in your subconscious. The moon is shining on the vast ocean of your subconscious. Allow the moon to help lift your fog and light your path. Even if you must make difficult decisions that may lead to unhappiness. Be brave! I actually felt this reading came very easily to me. The cards really seemed to flow together and open this definition for me. On a very positive note, I have decided to join the Biddy Tarot community! I have very excited to be able to really understand the definitions of the cards. I sti

How I do my tarot readings

Since I am new to tarot, I am mostly reading cards for myself. I pull 3-4 cards and am mostly looking at how to connect each card to the other. I haven't quite learned all of the card meanings, in fact I'm really nowhere close! I'm using the Biddy Tarot site to read about each card since they have the best information! I'm hoping to get her Ultimate Guide soon! I don't really have a ritual that I use for reading tarot. Most of the time I'm reading when I'm watching TV! I don't like to really sit down and only read. I prefer to multi-task and I like the background noise. As far as I've read through tarot blogs and websites, there's really no wrong way to read cards! Reading cards calls for your intuition and I like to use my intuition to connect the cards. My next step after I feel comfortable connecting cards is to start asking the tarot deck questions and really start to delve deeper into connecting. I feel very close to my tarot deck. I'