I drew the 2 of Pentacles as my blessing card for the month of November. Currently I'm following the Biddy Tarot Planner from 2017. I got it last year but this is the first month I am actually trying it! I know, took me this long to figure it out. I already downloaded and printed the 2018 planner so I'm looking forward to following it for the year. That is certainly my intention with this planner, to follow it during the year of 2018.
So I was a little confused by pulling the 2 of Pentacles as my blessing card. To me, it seemed more of a challenge card. I felt that it was more of a "you need to be balancing your life" not much of a "your life is balanced". Perhaps that's because I feel my life is chaotic! Although things do seem to be falling into place right now. I got a raise and my boyfriend's been doing very well so we are finally able to get back on track financially.
Here are some bullet points of the card. I am using "The Ultimate Guide to Rider Waite Tarot" by Johannes Fiebig and Evelin Burger. I am also using the Biddy Tarot website. She has excellent pages on each card. That can be accessed here. I also asked in the Biddy Tarot community what others felt that the 2 of Pentacles meant as a blessing. It is such an amazing group! So I did take some of what they felt the card meant because it helped me!
- balance
- 2 sides of a coin
- looking at things differently but having everything you need already
- new state -- some discomfort to get there
- balance -- good and bad, good qualities and bad qualities make a whole person
- ships -- handle change, ships change with weather, reach harbor in any weather condition
- waves -- high and low points, must be able to balance them
- green -- color of life
- red -- color of passion
- find your passion in life and you will be able to balance work and life
- hat -- could have too much of an ego while showing off balancing act. Be mindful
- pentacles -- physical aspects of life
- blessings -- physical balance is going well
- pentacles -- winter/years
- Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn
I feel this is applicable to my life because it means I am doing well balancing work and life. I have found work that I am passionate about and enjoy. Life has thrown a lot of changes my way this past year (pentacles mean years). My boyfriend and I have moved twice, I've been through a depression bought, we've been very broke, in the beginning of the year my boyfriend was having trouble finding a job that he felt passionate about, he was working 2 jobs, barely spending time at home, I was still getting adjusted to my work and full time schedule, so plenty of lows. But we've had a lot of highs too. We moved into a wonderful new apartment that really feels like home, I got a raise, he found the work he loves (U-Haul, go figure!), and he's been doing extremely well! We are making more money now and with our rent being so low we are going to be able to save a lot. So it has been highs and low, great things and bad things, and in only physical parts of life (except for the depression bought, I'd say).
I did need to sit on this card for a day and how it was relevant and why I drew it. But I feel I've figured it out :)
My challenge card is the Tower
and my action card is the 3 of wands.
However, more on those later, I've really only been concentrating on the 2 of Pentacles as a blessing. I feel that since I've been doing so much research and reading on this card, it doesn't feel like such a mystery to me anymore. I can look at this card and feel familiar. I know what the symbols on it means. I know what the card stands for. It seems like an old friend already.
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