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Showing posts from October, 2017

Tarot Reading

Tarot Reading 1. Reversed the Empress 2. 8 of Pentacles 3. Reversed 3 of Pentacles 1. creative block rut depending on others 2. education quality 3. no unity no teamwork You may have hit a rut or a lack of motivation in your education. You'll need to reunite with others who are taking what you're lacking in more seriously so they can help re-motivate you. Try looking for some study groups.

Tarot Reading

Tarot Reading 1. Knight of Cups 2. Judgement 3. 3 of Swords 1. knight in shining armor romance 2. gut feeling inner calling 3. heart break grief Make sure you're using your judgement. When you think you've found your knight in shining armor. It might end in heart break. Use your gut feeling when meeting someone suave.

Tarot Reading

Tarot Reading 1. 10 of Pentacles 2. 6 of Pentacles 3. 7 of Cups 1. wealth family retirement 2. generosity (wealth, time, money) charity financial stability 3. choices dreaming evaluate pros and cons Make sure you stop dreaming and make those dreams a reality. You'll want to start building to have a financially stable future for your family. Then you can give generously. If you don't stop dreaming then you'll end up like the beggar in the 6 of Pentacles.

Tarot Reading

Tarot Reading 1. Reversed 5 of Cups 2. Reversed Devil 3. Reversed 4 of Cups 4. 6 of Pentacles 1. acceptance of past be open, take risks end of suffering, new beginnings 2. Detachment breaking free growing awareness 3. work hard for offer be aware, too focused on issues break free from boredom 4. generosity wealth giving Your risks have been paying off. The rut or hard time you were in is coming to an end. You've worked hard so make sure you don't let it pass you by. Be aware of your opportunities. Once you get your opportunity, be sure to give generously.
Welcome to Earl Grey Living Grab a cup of earl grey tea My favorite earl grey teas: 1. Twinings Lady Grey tea This is my all time favorite earl grey tea. I actually like this better than most loose leaf teas. I tend to leave my tea bags steeping much too long and some of the loose leaf teas get too bitter to leave them in. I have never had a problem with the tea getting too bitter when I leave Lady Grey tea bags in. You can find them on Amazon here . Although I generally can find them at my grocery store. 2. Twinings Lavender Earl Grey tea   Lavender earl grey tea is a new find of mine. It was on closeout at my grocery store so I picked it up for a whopping $0.85. It is a perfect tea for relaxing after a long day. You can find it on Amazon here . 3. Twinings Jasmine Earl Grey tea This is another new find of mine. I picked up a bunch of new teas at the grocery store because they had a sale going